The M5Stack... |
Tiny, the M5Stack Cardputer is a Liliputian machine equipped with an ESP32 microcontroller.
With the size of a credit card (around 2 cm thick!), it has a 1.14' screen (240 x 135 pixels), a 56-key keyboard and many other options:
a MicroSD card reader, a small speaker, a microphone, a USB C port, a connection Wifi and Bluetooth, infrared output and a Grove I2C connector.
Programmable in Arduino and MicroPython this little nugget allowed "riker2072" to offer on GitHub its versions of HP-10C and HP-32S usable on M5Stack Cardputer.
The 10LC |
The 10LC is installed on M5Stack Cardputer by flashing the firmware available on GitHub using the Flash Download software Tool and a USB C cable.
The 10LC page of "riker2072" on GitHub explains perfectly how to create your own 10LC calculator.
The 10LC calculator obtained is a real small HP-10C with 10 permanent registers and 99 program steps. (the instructions GTO 80 to GTO 99 are therefore accepted).
Data and programs are saved on the MicroSD card.
The 32LC |
The 32LC is installed on M5Stack Cardputer by flashing the firmware available on GitHub using the Flash Download software Tool and a USB C cable.
The 32LC page of "riker2072" on GitHub explains perfectly how to create your own 32LC calculator.
The 32LC is quite close to the HP-32S but differs in some features.
The "1400 steps" program memory is divided into 26 zones of 50 steps, plus one of 100 steps.
The "beta" version offered on GitHub has many shortcomings compared to the HP-32S but it is necessary hope that the functions not yet implemented will arrive soon.
On version Beta 0.9 it is missing :
ENG, INPUT, SHOW, VIEW, MEM, COMPLEX< /B>, SF, CF, FS?, indirect addressing, bases (DEC, < B>HEX, OCT, BIN) plus a few other features.
Despite these few small flaws, the 32L is surprising and deserves interest.
The 42LC |
The 42LC is installed on M5Stack Cardputer by flashing the firmware available on GitHub using the Flash Download software Tool and a USB C cable.
The 42LC page of "riker2072" on GitHub explains perfectly how to create your own 42LC calculator.
The 42LC is quite close to the HP-42S but differs in some features.
The "alpha" version offered on GitHub must still undergo numerous tests but the first programming attempts are rather conclusive and suggest a nice little machine to come.
Although this calculator is only in its "alpha" version, the 42LC is attractive and rather promising.
Other projects |
"riker2072" is also working on a version of the HP-11C, and a version HP-32SII, all both based on the "Paper" model from M5Stack ...
Unfortunately, the M5Stack Paper uses a limited version of Micropython which has approximately 6 digits of floating point precision and exponents limited to 10^35.
This limitation would therefore considerably reduce its practicality as a usable calculator.
"riker2072" is therefore looking for a Python code library capable of executing floating point functions with 10 digits precision using 32-bit integers (to work with), to move forward on his project.
M5Stack Paper
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