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The 41CX interface allows you to take source programs for HP41 and transform them into:
  • compiled "RAW" programs for emulators go41X emulators on Androïd and Vb41CX and V41 on Windows and also for the DM41X calculator
  • memory dumps for DM41L, DM41X and PX41CX calculators
  • in barcode for HP41C, CV and CX

  • ...or recently modified     41CX Interface    (2024.07.11)    preview

    The 15C interface allows HP-15C programs to be exchanged between emulators and DM15L calculator
  • from / to JRPN 15C emulator on Android, in text format,
  • from / to Hewlett-Packard 15C emulator on Windows, in text format,
  • from / to memory dump for the DM15L.
  • The source programs ".TXT" and ".15C" can be compiled to generate dumps DM15L.
    Memory dumps from DM15L can be "decompiled" to provide the source programs.

       15C Interface    (2024.02.17)    preview

    The 11C interface allows HP-11C programs to be exchanged between emulators and DM11L calculator
  • from / to TouchRPN 11C emulator on Android, in text format,
  • from / to NutEM/PC emulator on Windows, in text format,
  • from / to Nonpareil emulator on Windows, in text format,
  • from / to memory dump for the DM11L.
  • The source programs ".TXT" and ".11C" can be compiled to generate dumps DM11L.
    Memory dumps from DM11L can be "decompiled" to provide the source programs.

       11C Interface    (2024.01.08)    preview

    The 10C interface allows HP-10C programs to be exchanged between emulators and DM10L or 10LC calculators
  • from / to TouchRPN 10C emulator on Android, in text format,
  • from / to TouchRPN 10C emulator online, in text format,
  • from / to memory dump for the DM10L,
  • from / to program list for the 10LC via MicroSD card.
  • The source programs ".TXT" and ".10C" can be compiled to generate dumps DM10L.
    Memory dumps from DM10L can be "decompiled" to provide the source programs.

       10C Interface    (2024.01.08)    preview

    The 32LC interface allows HP-32S programs to be loaded on Windows from 32LC calculator.
  • Programs from / to the 32LC calculator in text file via MicroSD card.
  • Registers from / to the 32LC calculator in text file via MicroSD card.
  •    32LC Interface    (2024.06.22)    preview

    The DM32 interface allows HP-32S programs to be loaded on Windows from DM32 calculator.
  • from / to memory dump for the DM32. (.D32 files)
  •    DM32 Interface    (2024.01.28)    preview

    The 42LC interface allows HP-42S programs to be loaded on Windows from 42LC calculator.
  • Programs from / to the 42LC calculator in text file via MicroSD card.

       42LC Interface    (2024.03.09)    preview

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