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The WP...
Is there one WP34S" or several WP34S?

Because this calculator can be built either on the basis of a HP-20b or on the basis of a HP-30b...

But in addition it can be manufactured with or without USB connector and with or without infrared diode.

  • The WP34S is presented as an RPN entry-level scientific calculator which incorporates the functionalities of the HP-42S, HP-16C and HP-32SII with very advanced statistical and mathematical possibilities.
    It is therefore not an exact clone of an existing calculator but rather a hybrid clone, a kind of mutant inspired by several machines.

    WP 34s SOURCEFORGE project...

    Its keyboard made of stickers superimposed on the calculator keys offers many possibilities thanks to prefixes  f   g   et  h.

  • WP34S [HP-20b]

    WP34S [HP-30b]

    As with most clone calculators, documentation in PDF format can be found on the web.
    But for the WP34S this documentation is particularly rich, even the user manual (PDF) is offered in Chinese version. ()
    On the Amazon (US) site, the 410-page “paper” user manual is also available in english.

    WP 34S Owner's Manual and Calculation Guide...

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